Last week I had my two BFFs Emily and Saige sleep over my house and they helped me decorate the Christmas tree and put up the decorations!! We were all sort of depressed that American Girl our most favorite store in the whole world was retiring all three of us.. so there was no more visiting our twins!! We figured it was a good time to get in the Christmas sprite and keep our minds busy!!

We dragged all the boxes from the basement into the livingroom and could not wait to get started!!
Emily and I grabbed some lights to hang on the wall.. Saige sits back and kept telling us to put it higher!!!

Saige found the wreath to hang above the fireplace!! Emily and I kept telling her higher higher, we all had a great laugh about it!!
I found some star garland to go along the fireplace's mantle!! Everything is staring to look so Christmas-y!!

Mom found some snowflakes she made last year that were left over!! They are so pretty and all so different just like the snowflakes that fall outside!!
Saige found the nutcrackers!! She loves them both, she kept making them talk in silly voices.. oh Saige!!

I love this little town most of all!! I love to just sit and look at all the happy faces and the little buildings.. it's all so cute and Christmas-y!!
With the tree trimmed and the lights hung it was time to decorate the tree!! First went up the star garland!!

I got to hang up the first ornament!! I looked in the box and choose a snowflake blue ball!!
It was Saige's turn to pick an ornament and she picked out a green swirled candy!!!

Emily looked and looked in the box and found some candy canes, she said they looked good enough to eat!!
We took turns placing the ornaments on the tree and it looked soo pretty, but there was one thing missing!! THE GOLDEN STAR!! The girls allowed me to do the special honor to place the star on top!! When it was up it was so pretty and and prefect!!

As Saige, Emily and I sat around the tree we looked in amazement!! Everything was so beautiful!! I was so glad Emily and Saige came over to decorate!!
Our dogs came prancing in, looking at all the decorations!! We had to watch them careful so they didn't knock anything over!! They were just as excited as we are!!!
Bennett, Sam, and Yank loved being together and so did we!! We love Christmas most of all, but we love being together too!!
How do you get ready for the Christmas season?